Final Self-Assessment

1. What was your favourite activity/assignment in the course?
           The blender game level 1 modelling and the character modelling. 

2. What is something specific you learned in this course?
            Using and coding in game maker studio and modelling and texturing character in blender.

3. What is something you found challenging in this course?
            I think it's the fact that you're being stuck in one situation and you're finding a way out to the problem and figuring it out by yourself without any help. Because in that little way, you can learn how to be independent.
4. How do you solve your problems when you are stuck or don't understand something in this course? 
            Aside from asking help, I goggle it. If didn't find the answer, I'm trying to figure out what is wrong and in the end, I am the only one who can help myself. 

5. What letter grade do you think you earned for term 3?
             I don't know. Maybe B or...... A. Hopefully. 

6. What letter grade do you think you earned for the whole course?
              Hoping for A
7. Are you happy with your work habits and progress in this course?
8. What is something you could improve about your work in this course?
              Editing and coding like a pro. 

9. Any suggestions for the course or teacher for next year?
      - I want to have a movie watching every end of the term about video games and other related topics.
      - A Whole Year Project: Create your OWN Game in Game Maker Studio (Can ask help in google and youtube but you need to have your OWN UNIQUE GAME. 


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