Unity 2D UFO Modified
1. Which step in the list above was the most challenging for you? In short paragraph, describe why it was particularly difficult or what problems you had, as well as what steps you took to solve those problems and what you learned in the process.
The most challenging part is setting the score and the writing the script. The score writing was actually a bit tricky and confusing plus setting up the right score to achieve the "You win" and "You lose" and "tie" in UI element. One of the steps I took to solve my difficulties is trying to figure out the right code to use and watching the previous video tutorial and also asking help to my teacher and my friends. What I realized is that I would never really use unity again. But despite all that, Unity teach me that writing script and coding is a nerve cracking thing to do but at the end it's totally worth it. It takes time to process and find the right piece of code but you still learn how to understand and how to develop your own style in writing the code.
The most challenging part is setting the score and the writing the script. The score writing was actually a bit tricky and confusing plus setting up the right score to achieve the "You win" and "You lose" and "tie" in UI element. One of the steps I took to solve my difficulties is trying to figure out the right code to use and watching the previous video tutorial and also asking help to my teacher and my friends. What I realized is that I would never really use unity again. But despite all that, Unity teach me that writing script and coding is a nerve cracking thing to do but at the end it's totally worth it. It takes time to process and find the right piece of code but you still learn how to understand and how to develop your own style in writing the code.
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